
Installing Spark for Mesos is surprisingly simple, given that we already have configured following things:

  • Mesos installed via Mesosphere (which includes OpenJDK 7) (check by accessing following URL: http://[master node]:8080)
  • HDFS set up (you can check by accessing following URL: http://[namenode]:50900)


  1. Download Apache Spark and choose the correct Hadoop Version you are using
  1. Access your Namenode via ssh and wget this version by copy paste the link address!
  2. Upload the TAR File on HDFS
  1. Edit by setting following variables:
export MESOS_NATIVE_LIBRARY=<path to> (default: /usr/local/lib/
export SPARK_EXECUTOR_URI=<URL to your Spark HDFS Upload> 
(We use
  1. Now we can start Spark on Mesos with
./bin/spark-shell --master mesos://host:5050